The Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine has a substantial interest in research and investigations related to aviation and pharmaceutical fields. Considering the fact that Ante is primarily focused on these industries, our team has significantly deepened its knowledge of competition law.
Ante offers consulting services regarding the following:
- antitrust investigations;
- claims on unfair competition practice;
- pharmaceuticals industry regulations on unfair competition;
- aviation regulations on unfair competition;
- meeting the requirements of competition law while cooperating with distributors, customers, competitors and other market participants;
- analysis of informational and advertising materials, packaging, labels, etc. in order to comply with the legislation on protection against unfair competition;
- legal assistance during companies` participation in public procurements, including appeals against actions of other participants of procurements; representation of interests before the bodies of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection;
- legal assistance regarding requests from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, during the consideration of cases regarding violation of the legislation on protection of economic competition, as well as representation in court disputes.
Clients of the practice include international airlines, airports, global pharmaceutical companies, Ukrainian distributors, public procurements participants, and fuel suppliers for the railroad.
Legal 500 EMEA recognizes Ante as a leading firm in competition practice.
Work highlights:
- Advised Lutsk Foods LLC (Runa trademark) on a claim to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine against unfair competition practice by the competitor who copied elements of tomato sauces design and trademark Kecha;
- Representing the Danylo Halytskyi Lviv International Airport in the investigation regarding access to the ground handling market;
- Bees Airline claim to AMCU on State Aviation Service of Ukraine violations during the distribution of air traffic rights.